Vanessa A. McDonald @ designFARM

A University of British Columbia (UBC) Landscape Architecture student-collaborative working with local artists to create an arts-based community celebration. A series of site-based installations in and around the UBC Farm will be linked via an interactive parade route, to be completed for the Fall Harvest Festival.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Its up! I worked the last week and a half at home sewing and installed Thursday with some help from my friends. I've not yet mentioned all the details. I wanted it to be adjustable, to easily change pattern, so I've stripped either end of each band of colour with velcro. I want to see it fade and flaw and fray with the elements. So far fading is in this hot sunny summer but I'm hoping for rain, maybe some bleeding of the fabrics into one another. Who knows, its all up to chance. That's what makes it fun, surprise.