Vanessa A. McDonald @ designFARM

A University of British Columbia (UBC) Landscape Architecture student-collaborative working with local artists to create an arts-based community celebration. A series of site-based installations in and around the UBC Farm will be linked via an interactive parade route, to be completed for the Fall Harvest Festival.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Solstice, from Latin meaning "sun stands still", sure has felt that way bringing in this summer. Still and hot!
Sought out the shady welcoming of a wooded area of the farm to draw. Plan to set up a temporary working wall there, me and the trees.
Pitched in a few hours with Friday's harvest, carrots never tasted so good.
Saturday was the calling of the flowers, flowers and more flowers, but the sunflower won out this occasion. Most fitting for the celebration don't you think? Happy Solstice!